Top 5 Beauty Products | Just 5 Things

Hey Chicas, We are so excited to be sharing with you today top 5 beauty products. It might just five things. 

So we are going to start with something that is really recommended to you. 

We still love makeup so much obviously, for that reason we present new brands. We have two products. We love them so much. 

This is a multi skin tint, which we use all over our faces. You can find t gives us a little bit of healthy looking. 

Bronzer is packed full of natural ingredients. Actually, fun fact is one of the most amazing ingredients in the product, which we are so obsessed, is ugly bell pepper. 

What is ugly bell pepper in case you may ask? Ugly the pepper is literally bell peppers that are amazing and they're just not beautiful so they don't get sold in the supermarket. They actually go into place where all the ugly fruits and vegetables go. They don't get sold or sometimes they even just go to waste. 

It is worked with some really amazing manufacturers who actually source out ugly fruits and vegetables and it is found that the bell pepper is packed full of antioxidants and is so good for your skin. 

It actually protects you against some blue light which are also exposed to right now during quarantine. is when I really realized how important a brand like lowish has where you know, you want to be Glam, but you also want to do things that are good for your skin and I really fell in love with just the idea of a of natural beauty brand 

next product something I use every single day. I love it so much and it's also really inexpensive. I actually get my Lucas Papa ointment on Amazon really really cheap and I put this everywhere actually true story. I will strap I use a little yo glow on my elbows on my knees on my feet and then I use Lucas pop out like mint everywhere and I feel like my feet of income so soft. I have dry feet and now they are sofy so I swear by this I also use

Got his knees as well, and I just I love it. It's like that way whenever he's kind of like, oh, I have something this is like my ointment I put on everything for everyone. So if you come near me and you're telling me you have an itch, I'm gonna put this audio. 

Also a product that I love so much I love is for a long time. Actually,. I am obsessed with lip stains, but I have a hard time finding good lip stains and the Victoria Beckham lip stain in shade. Sheree is my go-to. I love it so much when I put it on people tell me my lips look so sexy,. So and they're just like they think it's natural. They don't know. I'm wearing your product on its really nice and light to which I love so much. I'm already wearing a little bit of

so the last product which I'm also upset is the Angela cagliari cryo balls. So I have become obsessed with cryotherapy because true story my husband and I travel to cold places. We live in Dubai. It's beautiful. It's sunny. It's always beachy so we love to go to cold places. So we were in Finland a couple years ago and one of the things I noticed was everybody's skin was
amazing didn't have a porous because even didn't have any like, you know marks or pigmentation and I was like, why is everyone skin here? So beautiful and I became obsessed with cryotherapy since then, so I drew cryotherapy a lot and I actually try to do it in a way to where you know kind of massages your face, so I started doing cryotherapy a lot and then I decided, you know during quarantine that I wanted to do it at home for myself, so I became obsessed with these cryo balls. So these are made out of surgical steel and then they are plated with 18 karat gold. So these are the fancy ones you don't need to go. While fancy can get the link below Globes as well those work well as well, but I love these because they're extra cold. They're actually kind of little bit uncomfortable when you're using them, but you kind of get used to it in the morning. I usually use them like who okay, and then my skin looks great., so it's all worth it. 

Thank you guys so much for reading this post.  picking five products was really hard for me, but I hope you guys enjoy this product and make sure you guys do check out globish because I'm super excited about this and I know it's something that you guys are all going to love. I'll see you guys next time. Love you, buddy. Love you guys.


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